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You calculate your Destiny Number from your date of birth. It is a very significant number because you cannot legally change it, and it reveals the sort of lessons you will have to learn during the course of your life. If you believe in Karma, the Eastern belief that your current actions determine your future, you could consider your Destiny Number as your Karmic Number.

To calculate your Destiny Number simply add up all the numbers in your birthdate until you reach a number between 1 and 9 or either 11 or 22.

For example, Taylor Swift was born on 13th December 1989. Her Destiny Number - 7 - is therefore calculated as: 1+3+1+2+1+9+8+9 = 34; and 3+4 = 7.

Go to your Destiny Number:

Destiny Number 1 - This is the number of the pioneer, the complete original. You are determined to get your own way; you're independent, inventive, opinionated and enthusiastic. You may even have ideas that are ahead of your time. You can't be restricted as you'll always find a way to express yourself and realise your ambitions - your Personality Number will tell you what direction your aims might take. Sometimes your perseverance can turn into bossiness, obstinacy and a single-mindedness that wins you few friends. You are not a team-player, unless you're calling the shots. You're a natural leader which may explain why people approach you with caution at firs - you automatically take control of a situation. However, once people get to know you, they discover your kind, affectionate and genial side.

Destiny Number 2 - This is the first passive number. You function best in an harmonious partnership, but are likely to concede too much power in arguments - you believe in the maxim 'anything for a quiet life'. Eventually this may make you resentful and depressed. You are highly supportive, preferring to take a back seat while others strive for the top. In relationships you are considerate and loving but can be moody. Anything with a strong rhythm, such as music or poetry, is an excellent way to help you unwind.

Destiny Number 3 - You enjoy happy and productive relationships. Despite being a born flirt, for whom fidelity may not always be top of your list of priorities (although you may expect this in return), you have deep-seated feelings for partners. You are happy-go-lucky, warm, cheerful, sociable and optimistic, with a gift for words. You enjoy family life although you do not appreciate feeling hemmed in by drudgery or too many responsibilities. Travel is important to you, as is the need for a challenge - you would hate to think that life is passing you by.

Destiny Number 4 - You have the discipline and willpower to achieve whatever you want out of life and to make the most of your potential. At first, your life may seem to be limited and restricted in some way, but once you are able to come to terms with this, you can achieve a great deal. Any job that enables you to develop your wonderful organisational skills will not only benefit you but also the people around you. Whatever you do for a living, you need to bring out your practical nature. You should guard against becoming too rigid, marrow-minded, stern or zealous. You need to remember that there is room in life for enjoyment as well as for work.

Destiny Number 5 - You are extremely lively and restless. You will happily try everything at least once and enjoy a life that is full of variety and change. Travel appeals to you, especially if you get the chance to visit new destinations and places that are exciting and demand a spirit of adventure. You have a strong intellect and excellent powers of communication, both of which you should put to good use in your career - you are particularly good at dealing with the public. You are witty, charming, chatty and versatile, but run the risk of becoming restless and a 'jack-of-all trades but master of none'.

Destiny Number 6 - You are a natural home-maker, someone who needs a stable domestic life and a loving family around you in order to feel contented and emotionally secure. You may spend so much time ensuring the comfort and happiness of your nearest and dearest that you forget your own needs, which occasionally makes you feel resentful and taken for granted. You can also become very insular, only concentrating on your immediate social circle. At work, you are a reliable member of the team and have an excellent eye for detail. You need to guard against possessiveness, selfishness and jealousy, which can mar an otherwise attractive and loving personality.

Destiny Number 7 - You have psychic abilities which you may use professionally or might experience as periodic hunches and uncanny intuitions. You are extremely sensitive, not only to the feelings of loved ones and he world around you, but also to emotional undercurrents. For instance, your dreams may be particularly vivid and significant. You also have a powerful imagination that can lead you into escapism or flights of fantasy, sometimes with unfortunate results. You are contemplative, introspective and may become quite remote and withdrawn at times; this can set you apart from others. You tend to worry, which can badly affect your health

Destiny Number 8 - Status is very important to you. Even if you have a relatively unimportant job, you need to know that it will eventually lead to something better. You aren't afraid of hard work and often succeed through sheer grit. You are a great achiever in life, a person who doggedly follows your dreams until you finally turn them into reality. This may be at the expense of satisfactory relationships, which have to take a back seat to your ambitions. The result is often a Pyrrhic victory - you achieve plenty of material success but no one to share it with.

Destiny Number 9 - You are an inspired visionary, full of energy and enterprise, and have the enthusiasm needed to keep working on your ambitions until they reach fruition. You are an achiever, although you may find it easier to come up with ideas than to follow them through to completion - usually someone else ends up carrying out your brilliant schemes. You are competitive and enjoy rising to a challenge, which you generally win. You probably had a difficult childhood and experience life as a series of distinct cycles of good and bad times. After a bad cycle you will feel despondent for a while before embarking, with fresh hope, on the next major cycle. You may have several careers in the course of your life. You can lack consideration for others, which may cause problems in relationships.

Destiny Number 11 - Because this number is composed of two Ones, you are endowed with all the leadership qualities of a One, and are resolutely determined to achieve whatever you set out to do. What's more, you usually succeed, because you are prepared to take risks and will work around the clock if necessary until you obtain your objective. This single-minded determination earns you a lot of respect and acclaim from others. Warm and lively, you are popular and may have an enormous influence over the other people in your life - you are special. You should be aware of exploiting these attributes for selfish, materialistic or idealistic purposes.

Destiny Number 22 - You are very capable, industrious and practical, and have the ability to realise your full potential. However, the continual battles with the varying energies that are within you, and the constant need to achieve a sense of balance in your life can conflict with your desire for accomplishment and success, and may eventually mean that you achieve less than you set out to do. You may have spent your early years trying to earn some easy money, only to realise when you got older that a great deal of your potential remains untapped. You are an interesting companion but your tremendous drive can sometimes make you difficult to live with.

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