Bestow the gift of prosperity luck this Chinese New Year


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Each week we consult the 78 Tarot Cards and draw a card for each of the 12 zodiac signs. So, what do the Tarot cards have to tell you?


Take a look at our Aries Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 8 of Pentacles - You should make the most of your potential and could turn particular talents into money. This might be pin-money or it could be the beginning of a satisfying career that draws on your creative or artistic abilities. Provided you are prepared to expend a lot of effort and practical ability, you'll be able to build up a career that will be emotionally and financially satisfying.

Take a look at our Taurus Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Queen of Cups - You are going to attract a lot of attention, be sought after both personally and professionally, and become all things to all people. Many social opportunities will come your way, and someone will enter your life in whom you will be very interested (a professional-type person). You will meet this person very close to your home, if not just outside your front door. Use your charm, persuasion, and whatever resource is available, and then let the Cosmic Forces direct your course or reveal what is hidden. In time, you will see that your prayers have been answered.

Take a look at our Gemini Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Ace of Pentacles - You are being urged to get a new business venture off the ground or to begin any scheme or idea that means a lot to you. This might be moving to a new house or improving your current home, or something else that will boost your sense of self-esteem. Money is usually on the horizon when this card appears, and it may arrive in the form of a gift, a windfall, a win or a pay rise. A traditional meaning is the gift of a ring - is a wedding in the offing?

Take a look at our Cancer Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 9 of Swords - The traditional meaning of this card is 'sleepless nights', because you are feeling frightened, miserable or depressed about something. This may be affecting your sleep or health but, although these fears are very real, they may not have much bearing on reality. In fact, you may be in a much better position than you imagine, as you will soon realise if you can only face the facts and start to deal with them. Faith in yourself will give you the strength to proceed.

Take a look at our Leo Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 7 of Wands - All obstacles or problems will be overcome, and you will be in a much more positive frame of mind. Ignore opposition, and let nothing veer you off your course. You will think about love and what it would be like to live with someone or get married. Straighten out your affairs, make steps toward commitment, and refuse to accept less than what is essentially right. Be true to yourself.

Take a look at our Virgo Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 7 of Pentacles - You have been working hard and have good reason to feel satisfied with all your efforts. However, even though you may deserve a break, you should not feel complacent because there is still a long way to go before you can reach your goal. If you hesitate or stop now, all your hard work will be wasted. Now is the time to apply energy. You need to take stock of how much you've achieved so far and what you have yet to accomplish.

Take a look at our Libra Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Page of Swords - An important document, contract or letter could be on the way, but you should check it through carefully as it may contain accidental or deliberate mistakes. Alternatively, someone may be gossip-mongering or doing some double-dealing. Your ability to observe and perceive allows you to discern the not-so-obvious. This card may represent a person who features in your life right now. They're very clever, calculating, strong-willed and rather aloof. They might also be aggressive.

Take a look at our Scorpio Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 7 of Cups - This card has fabulous potential and indicates great creative and imaginative gifts. It also shows that you will soon be spoilt for choice. You'll be presented with several offers or courses of action, but you should choose wisely because some of these offers will not be as promising or profitable as they seem. Though some of the choices could be worthless, one will bring you a marvellous opportunity. But which one? Examine your motives and avoid wishful thinking.

Take a look at our Sagittarius Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card The Emperor - This card can signify a person or situation. If it represents a person, then this person is authoritative and powerful, probably older than you and possibly better off, too. It may be a partner or close relative who's the boss in the relationship. They can be dictatorial at times and may view life in a serious way. They may not have a great sense of humour but they can be depended upon for their steadfast nature, reliable character and worldly-wise advice. You are in control of a certain situation, thanks to your willpower, logic and analytical skills. You will soon be in a similar position of authority to that of the Emperor, perhaps through promotion, a new job or a rise in social status. Use your powers of leadership, logic and goodness and do not let intellect rule your feelings.

Take a look at our Capricorn Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Temperance - You are being urged to be moderate and to find a balance when dealing with problems. You must find a happy medium and avoid adopting an extreme point of view. You should come to terms with the past in some way in order to have a happier or more fulfilling future. You should use your innate talents in order to reach your goals. Adopt a more prudent financial approach, especially if you've been extravagant lately or soon will be. And try to adopt a more healthy way of life, especially if you eat or drink too much. Finally, if you've been working hard or finding life an uphill struggle, this difficult phase will end soon.

Take a look at our Aquarius Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card 10 of Wands - You are shouldering a big burden or coping with a lot of responsibility, which is wearing you down. The load may be material, physical or emotional, but it is taking its toll on you. However, it may be that this burden is self-imposed, perhaps because you've taken on too much at once or because you're driving yourself into the ground trying to live up to your own high expectations. The burden can be lifted or the problem resolved. You are a person of power and fortune - don't let this blessing be a burden, and don't abuse your power.

Take a look at our Pisces Gift Ideas Your Tarot Card Knight of Wands - You are not afraid of the unknown. Travel is indicated, especially if it takes you far afield - you may move house or even emigrate. Alternatively, there may be visitors from another country. This card may also represent a person who is important to you now - it's someone who is generous, popular, sociable and outgoing. They can be unpredictable at times and are full of ideas that don't always come to anything. Nevertheless, they are good fun to be around.

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