Mannaz - The first step on the path is to recognise the natural growth of your being. The true direction of your life is defining itself clearly, and the divine is lighting your path bringing balance, energy and the ability to persevere. Stop, wait and do nothing: just drink when you are thirsty, eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are tired. Be receptive instead of judgmental, devoted instead of active and worship while working. In this way you will find yourself. Balance your energy - you are capable of great alchemy.
Gebo - You are now ready to grow through communion: with your love, your friends and others. This is a real possibility and can be very beautiful. Allow love, compassion and generosity to flower, then partnership will naturally follow.
Berkana - Just as flowers blossom in the spring, everything can grow and flower. You have the opportunity to use this time to your best advantage: going with the flow, dispersing resistances, defining your will, growing deeper and higher. Abundance and happiness are at hand.
Perth - Like the Phoenix consumed in its own fire and reborn from the ashes, you may shortly have to face the unknown, some hidden secrets. You may gain something in a surprising way. You will have to recognise the fact that existence has its own mysterious way of taking care of you, by offering you new opportunities to broaden your horizons. Then it is up to you. Any initiation is just the beginning!
Inguz - As the Moon is mirrored in the sea, as the upper part of this Rune can be mirrored in the lower, so you can mirror yourself in others, discovering your true power. This is a fertile time and you can give birth to a joyous deliverance. This Rune is a reminder of your potential. It is time to use it to complete unfinished projects, to clarify your mind, to resolve the old and be rid of useless influences. You can look for advice and suggestions from others and be supported.
Dagaz - Now is the time of transformation. Like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, you are casting off your old form. A total change is underway and your potential is becoming a reality. The true value of this moment is something you must work out for yourself. If you are ready you will take the risk and accept radical change in your attitude, your way of looking at things or your life. The dark night of the soul is past and the bright sun is illuminating a prosperous period. Enjoy it and go forward! Recognise it and enjoy this great time in your life.
Sowelu - All potentiality is now available to you - you can use it and express it in your own creative way. Look into your heart and you should discover the work you must complete to become whole. This process will help you to become more and more one with existence.
Fehu - You are fulfilled and satisfied and love and desire are well balanced, but be careful not to be hooked by possessions. This is a time of good fortune and success. Enjoy it through balance.
Jera - It is time for you to care for the planted seeds. The cycle has started and when the time is ripe the flowers and fruits will blossom and grow. You must recognise the process that is now at work and understand that time is required to complete the cycle. Don't push yourself. Don't rush yourself. Be patient and wait and remember to give time to yourself.
Laguz - The power of water is at work. Your intuitive, female, lunar, emotional side is awakening; it is drawing you towards a melting union. Yin and Yang (female and male) are calling strongly to be reunited, and it is time to follow your intuition, your emotions and your heart. In your relationships it is time to let go of any defence or mind-game and surrender to love. In your self-search it is time to recognise your inner wisdom and trust your intuition, giving space for the inner woman to meet and melt with the inner man.
Thurisaz - You are at a crossroads now - it is time to contemplate and wait and review your past through watchfulness. It is time to identify anything that needs completion, any desire you need to fulfill or anyone you must say goodbye to. You are facing a great opportunity - don't miss it!
Wunjo - This is a wonderful moment in your life. Knowledge transforms into understanding, putting you in touch with new powerful energy that lies hidden deep within you. Now you can clearly see the path that you should follow, choosing naturally what is best for you. Maybe it is time to drop ambitions, goals and plans that could slow your journey. Success is the payment for your effort - enjoy it!